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Μάρκος Αυρήλιος

Δευτέρα 29 Οκτωβρίου 2012

A recent miracle of Archangel Michael in Greece

I was recently given a paper in the monastery where I often go about a miracle performed in Greece and I would like to share it with you.

A military aircraft with a crew of two people was on air. The master pilot was in the front and the co-pilot behind him, as they are placed in such aircrafts. While the aircraft was high, there was a malfunction and the engines stopped working. The aircraft started losing height and was falling. The pilot informed the control tower and he was permitted to abandon the aircraft. The two pilots agree on the time of the ejection and the pilot was ready to press the ejection button.

Suddenly he saw in front of the aircraft, on air, a male figure with wings, more than 2m high, holding a sword. The pilot was so surprised and shocked that he didn't press the button. At that moment the engines and all the appliances of the aircraft start working again and the aircraft started to gain height. The co-pilot did not see anything and he asked the master pilot what happened. He replied he would tell him when they would land.

When they landed in their base, the pilot told about the vision of the Archangel. He felt Archangel Michael was the protector of the air force. Since then, wherever he goes he tells the miracle and orders icons of Archangel Michael to put in the churches.

For whoever knows greek, this is the link where you can read about it.


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