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Μάρκος Αυρήλιος

Σάββατο 27 Απριλίου 2013

The All-One Unified Force -- Breaking the GOD - SPELL

Written by Ananda Bosman

The Nibiran so-called Gods on Earth differentiated themselves into two murderously competitive lineages. One of these lineages descended from Enki (the "Yahweh" who in the Bible created Earthling hybrids). Enki’s lineage struggled with the lineage descended from Enki’s half-brother Enlil (another of the composite 'Yahwehs' of the Bible; this 'Yahweh' ordered hybrids mostly drowned in the Deluge.) The 'Gods' of each of these lineages, as well as factions within each lineage, taught Earthlings the skills and mind-set of genocidal war, violence, slaving, defoliation, male domination, hierarchical thinking and lust for gold. Each God insisted on his or her slaves’ unquestioning obedience.  Each God demanded his or her slaves hate and fight opponent Gods’ kings and their slaves. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
“Our intelligence has been suppressed, our knowledge has been erased, our life span has been genetically shortened and our memory has been removed.  Our genes have been tampered with, resulting in the shutting down of most of them (97%) leaving behind an unintelligent, primitive and subservient creature. We are an inferior, genetically-cloned mutation of the great civilizations of the past, left behind." Yet. . ."the ancient 'Gods' who populated the world and enslaved humankind may still be active among us, not allowing knowledge to spread, keeping their firm grip through religious oppression over their 'slave species.'"   -- Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, Pages 9, 58, 114]

"They spoke to us in a strange language"
-- Giants of the Inner Earth, Agartha, from The Smoky God, by Willis George Emerson, [1908]
Some Earthlings escaped the mines and settlements of the Gods and fled into the hinterlands, away from the Gods’ wars. No more would they be fodder.  .  .for spears, arrows, then chariots. They’d escape also [the] terrible, technological killing devices of the Gods: explosives, lasers, gas and biological agents. In 2023 B.C. wars of the Gods climaxed in thermonuclear genocide of Earthlings in Canaan and Mesopotamia. The unexpected fallout from the nuking prompted the Gods to scatter over or exit Earth.
Records Nibirans and their agents left us offer impeccable evidence that extraterrestrials settled Earth. The evidence includes stone-carved star charts that map Neptune, Uranus, Pluto -- three planets beyond eye-range from Earth. Maps chart rocket routes through our solar system. The Nibiran-dictated maps feature accurate geographical details of the entire Earth. This mapping could only have been done from space. The maps show the landmass under the Antarctic ice sheet. The astronauts were able to map Antarctic land after 11,000 B.C., because the sheet had slid into the Ocean, caused the Deluge and drowned most of their Earthlings.
Our science confirms the records the gods dictated to their hybrid scribes. We have verified and continue to verify the Nibiran gold miners' genetic, metallurgical, geological, scientific, mathematic and astronomical accounts. In our museums and hinterland caves Earthlings have drawn Sumerian rocket ships, helicopter-like whirlybirds and flying saucers. Modern biology validates Sumerian engravings of Enki splicing double helix DNA to create an Earthling worker. Our science still hasn't deciphered how the Gods moved giant rocks better than we can to build their navigational landmarks -- the Giza pyramids, monuments on our moon, Mars and on Mars' moon, Phobos.
With Sitchin's evidence we free ourselves to create a new paradigm, a paradigm unfettered by the 'Godspell'. Godspell is philosopher Neil Freer's word for the yearning of Earthlings for the return of their Nibiran Lords, the good faction that is. The yearning for such 'divine' lead created alternative and competing religions which mandate murder of millions -- murder seen as service and duty to Gods, worshipped by the competing faiths. And the Gods, remember, are merely long-lived, technologically advanced humans with a wide range of individual quirks and a hierarchic, largely patriarchal, warlike culture. The Gods were, by and large, obsessed with genealogical precedence and male superiority. Most Gods were petty, homicidal slavers, contemptuous of Earthlings' consciousness. . .genetically we're half Nibiran, with their genetic propensity to violence, greed and genocidal competition.

Inner SUN of the Hollow Earth
Inner SUN of the Hollow Earth - "Agartha" Original Eden

"Our other half, the Homo Erectus in us -- the hominid the Nibirans altered -- resonates with Gaia, this planet. Homo Erectus was probably a species devolved from earlier Homo Sapien settlement of our planet, millions of years before the arrival of the Nibirans" -- Cremo, M. and Thompson, R., Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Cremo, M., 2003

Our Gaia aspect cooperates more than our Nibiran aspect. When we know and balance both within us, we break the godspell; become peers rather than servants of the Gods. We and they evolve together to support, encouragement, love and celebration of consciousness and its manifestations. 

Niberu Crossing
Nibiru Crossing the Galactic Center

"The Sumerian tablets describe the planet Nibiru as a radiating planet which they symbolized (see below) as a cross to indicate the planet of crossing which orbits clockwise around our sun. The drawing of Nibiru also indicates radiation in the form of heat emerging from the planet. The thick atmosphere due to volcanic action, protects Nibiru against the long cold periods while deep in space and hot periods when closest to the Sun. When Nibiru's atmosphere degrades, Nibirans mine gold from Earth to replenish it."  -- Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of God

Nibiru Radiating Cross
Nibiru Radiating Cross


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