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Μάρκος Αυρήλιος

Δευτέρα 19 Νοεμβρίου 2012

Dreamtime Self and Parallel Lives

By Monique Spangenberg, diary, March 18, 2005
"Who do you think you are?!!"
"In India we do not think who we are,
we know who we are."
- Peter Sellers in The Party

My intentions to open up to dreamtime, to retrieve my shadow and integrate the unconscious that belongs to me have effects that amaze me. This has a great impact on my belief system surrounding personality. Mentally I adopted Mila's definition of personality; the persona in humans in this creation is made up of personality-entities which are in fact fractured bits and pieces of soul due to nuclear disasters and radiation in our history. But this implies that the human persona as we know it in this world is nothing more than a symptom of our fallen state. In ascension as you move up in vibration, the persona is dismantled. So nobody in this world is who he seems to be or thinks he is; none of us are who we think we are.
When I got divorced, I saw myself in a parallel life also getting divorced from the same man. In that life we had no children and were living in a town without much nature around. Some of the friends we know in this life were also present there; but there were also many others. We lived in a community-like environment where we shared some rooms in a building with others - kitchen, sitting rooms. I had been busy labeling and dividing our possessions. I remember looking at these possessions more closely, and wondering how everything in this life could be similar to my physical life, but completely different in detail. None of the possessions in that room were the same as anything I own on the physical plane.
Being married in one plane, and single on another; to be with or without children; or healthy on one plane, and an invalid on another are circumstances that need not affect your personality that much. You can imagine the same personality experiencing all of these lives. But recently I saw myself in yet another parallel life where I did not marry my ex-husband, and in which I was preoccupied with a lot of selfish interests while he was far more connected to earth and nature than I was. This really amazed me.
Last week I met another shadow self who has a secret affair with the husband of a good friend. Again, this made me realize that I may look reliable, trustworthy, balanced and all that on this plane, but obviously I suppressed some desire or lust into my unconscious and this energy now acts out in a parallel life.
I will meet Brian today and during dreamtime I was busy washing my hair and trying very hard to look my best for him. Again, when I woke up, this amazed me! I had no conscious intent to seduce him in any way, just to be honest and as open hearted as I can - but obviously there's more which I suppressed into my shadow self.
Actually all this is really funny. When we humans describe each other on the physical plane, we usually refer to traits related to the persona, and these do not have much to do with who we really are. I used to trust myself never to do this or that, but I have come to understand the hypocrisy in such statements.
Our dreamtime self is described in the SSOA materials as "a collective expression of all parallel life polarities in a single non-physical expression of oneself." Mila has often spoken of initiates who turn out to be extremely belligerent and argumentative in the unconscious. So I wondered, what is my dreamtime self like? And Brian's? What kind of relationship is that, if that which we deny or push away on this plane is having an affair on another plane?
My impressions this far make me moan. As I see it now, Brian is extremely argumentative and wishes to be right all the time. I am very humble, modest, subservient, and cling to him. We both feel this is alright and do not wish to let each other go. Codependency in action!
The physical commands the non-physical. If you want to get anything done, you need the physical to make intents and work from there. We are programmed to believe that since we are densest in vibration, which indeed cannot be denied, we should follow higher dimensional advice because whoever is up there knows better or they would not be up there. This is definitely not the case. Our lightbody is not going anywhere if it is not ready to believe and accept that the physical or THEIR shadow - us , our parallel lives, our dreamtime self - is to come along. In this sense, we all go together, and as a team we should be ready to kick out all that does not serve.


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